Monday, June 29, 2009

Luckily Inked

There is a long tradition in the art of tattooing for good luck. Many of the most popular tattoos that people get are symbols of good luck. This dates back to the tattooing tradition of sailors. They often lived a life of uncertainty at sea and need all of the good luck possible to come back home alive. Thus sailor often got tattoos like a sparrow for good luck and safe return.

In recent years the art of tattooing has gone through somewhat of a rebirth or a neo classical period of sorts and some of the older tattoo designs are being brought back to life with new bright and vibrant colors. For example the sacred heart or sparrow tattoos are two classical images that have resurfaced into circulation and design themes. The difference is the new versions have lots of bright and vibrant colors. They offer a kind of retro look and a nod of appreciation back to the history of tattoos. Thus makes them fairly popular. Along with the resurgence of older or classic tattoo designs has come a strong resurgence of good luck symbols. Again they were once worn by sailors but now a good luck tattoo can be appreciated by many different types of people.
Below is a list of some of the more popular good luck tattoo designs

Sparrow Tattoo

Often used by sailors as a symbol of good luck because the bird would be spotted near land. Thus meant the sailors were returning safely home to family.

Nautical Star Tattoo

The exact meaning of the nautical star is somewhat shrouded in history and lore but most have come to interpret is a symbol of the northern star or Polaris which sailors would use to navigate by. So a Nautical star is kind of the guiding light through life and often thought to bring good luck.

Three 7’s

Historical in western culture the 7 has become symbolic for good luck and of course three is also a symbol for good fortune thus three 7 is about the luckiest symbol one can have. Most people would agree that the significance of these numbers come from Christianity. Of course the three is symbolic of the holy trinity.


The tradition of the horseshoe has been said to date all the way back to roman times when people would hand them from their front door. Some would hang them right side up to catch all the good luck while others would point them downwards so the bad spirits would bounce off and not enter the house.

Good Luck Amulets

Good luck amulets are another popular good luck tattoo. These can range fro religious amulets or medallions to a luck rabbit’s foot amulet. The idea is that by getting these tattoo the symbol is close to you at all times and you will always have the good luck from it.

Shamrock Tattoo

Of course this harkens back to the Irish and we see them all over the place on St. Patrick’s Day but the shamrock or four leaf clovers is another very popular design.

The Number 13

It is said that the tradition of the number thirteen dates back to the Aztec culture who believed that this number held significant importance because of their calendar system.

Yin and Yan

One of the most interesting things is that many of the symbols of good luck are often paired with symbols for bad luck. This is typically done to show both sides of good old lady luck or the roman idea of luck as a spinning wheel that has two sides. So often good and bad luck symbols will be tattooed together to show both sides of the equation. Without the bad luck there can be no good luck. It is very similar to the eastern concept of Yin and Yan.

Article Directory:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

015 | finished

Date: 6/27/09
Tattoo: $100 US bills coming out from a slit in his arm (custom drawn based on a design from his friend)
Needle: 9m

I believe I fixed the shading up better. But again, will see for sure when it heals.


Date: 6/26/09
Tattoo: B*A*S (scripted by his friend)


Date: 6/24/09 (line work) 6/25/09 (shade)
Tattoo: Custom evil and sad clown masks.

I did the line work the day before. When he came in the next day, it looked weird like I went too deep. But I swear I only went as deep as I usually go, which isn't deep at all. Guess I'll see when it heals. And I swear they appeared to have more depth in person after I finished. Again, guess I'll see when it heals.

Line work:

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beautiful Birds Tattoos for women

Birds Tattoos
These two birds mean happy and luck.A good tattoo idea.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

026 [first cover] - 027


Date: June 22, 2009
Tattoo: Dedication | Determination | Elevation
Location: Right under arm | Chest | Left under arm

He wanted it filled in. I wanted to finish it. But he decided to save that part for another day.

026 | first cover | wip

I forgot to take a picture of it before starting. I remember just as I started covering it.

Click to zoom in (as with EVERY picture posted on the site)

Date: June 22, 2009
Tattoo: Custom Mario (nintendo) bomb, freehanded on skin.
Location: Right wrist

He'll return so I may feel in the smoke (lower left of feet), and make the shoes black (The red didn't show up on his skin very well ).

Celebrity Tribal Tattoos Design

Monday, June 22, 2009

Full back tattoo designs

full back tattoo designs
All full back free tattoo designs are like paint, only they are on human skin. The first impression is always whoa!

Sunday, June 21, 2009



Date: 6|21|09
Tattoo: Arabic script, meaning "God"
Location: Left side back shoulder
Needle: 11M

Again, used water for grey wash. This was simple, but oh so fun, especially with my new love "cup of water" gray wash. I think I may have left it too light. But we'll see.

Need to take a better picture


Date: 6|21|09
Tattoo: "R" and "J" script
Location: Left side back of arm "R" | Right side back of arm "J"
Needle: 7RL | 11M

My first time using just a cup of water to make grey wash. I LOVE the cup of water technique. i do believe I found my prefered grey wash. Lays on so smooth and evenly.

But of course, I won't know for sure till it heals.



Date: 6|20|09
Tattoo: II . VI . MMIX script
Location: Right side upper rib
Needle: 4RL | 5RS

Will update with picture at undisclosed time client may possibly return. This was a bit better than the first rib, but still tricky. Client keep noticing little niches that looked weird. She was right all three times.

But IM suppose to notice them before she does. I think I did, but for some mind was just blank. I hate slipping up in my professionalism. She had two other friends I was suppose to do. But they said they were tired (it was 12:30-1 am or so at this point) and will return the next day. As I thought, they did not come back.


Date: 6|18|09
Tattoo: "L" custom script
Location: Right side high upper thigh
Needle: 4RL | 5RS

021 | first rib

Date: 6|17|09
Tattoo: Jhoan script
Location: Right side rib
Needle: 7RL | 11M

Horrible linework, but can be fixed by filling it in. The guy was in pain with the shading, I doubt he would've have let me fill it in right then and there. At the begining...He was speaking on the phone. I now know that no talking is allowed when doing a rib.

So consider it wip.

The ribs are tricky, it was a surprise. But I really want to do another. I've looked closely at the other guys doing the rib since I did this, and I want to put into use what I've learned.



Date: 6|15|09
Tattoo: Customized Jesus
Location: Left side under arm
Needle: 4RL | 9M


Date: 6|15|09
Tattoo: Custom Hello Kitty by fydbac
Location: Right side back shoulder
Needle: 4RL | 7RL


Date: 6|14|09
Tattoo: GLN script
Location: Right side stomach
Needle: 4RL